Feb 28, 2011

No Annoying Flash Advertisements

As you browse the internet , you may come across of these annoying flash banners , and advertisements , like poker , and xxx girls , and many other variations. These can not only harm your PC but can also slow it down , and bear in mind , that each of them your Browser will download one by one. Yes , it's more internet usage too. So how to disable them? Easy , get Firefox , and THIS add-on which will block all unwanted flash content on any web page. You can easily disable on separate web-pages by going to options , or just click on the desired flash to run it.

Feb 14, 2011

5 Funny Picture, Because Valentines Day Is here ...

Because Valentines day is here , I have chosen a few funny valentines picture for you. Have a look and enjoy.

Click to enlarge.

Feb 11, 2011

How Masks Works in Photoshop

What is a mask?

Essentially a mask is a grayscale bitmap image.The pure white areas in the image represent the portions of your original image that will be 100% protected. The pure black portions of the image represent the areas of your original image that are completely masked out, or erased. The levels of gray in-between allow your image to be partially protected. If you have trouble keeping track of which color does what, just think of masking tape to help you remember... masking tape is usually white or light colored, so the white areas of your mask are the most protected. Many image editing software allows you to save your masks as grayscale images so they can be used over and over again. On the following pages, I'll show you how you you can use any grayscale image as a mask in several popular image editors.
this is a mask
this is an image
this is an image with a mask

In the examples above you can see a mask and how it interacts with the image. Compare the masked image to the mask. Notice that the areas of white in the mask are 100% opaque in the masked image. The areas of black are 100% transparent. The gray areas softly fade away in partial transparency.

A mask does not have to be a separate image. Most software allows you to paint a mask directly onto your image. It works the same way... painting with black while in mask mode erases the underlying layer of your image, and painting with white brings it back. Shades of gray allow you to paint in partial transparency.

 When you're painting in mask mode, the mask is usually represented on the screen by a ruby overlay. The ruby overlay lets you see the mask represented by a reddish tint while still allowing you to still the image you're working on. Some software allows you change the overlay tint color. To the right you can see the same image used in the examples above with a ruby overlay. Transparency is indicated by a checkerboard pattern in image editing software; that's why you see the checkerboard pattern in this image.

Source : http://www.about.com

Feb 10, 2011

Annother Way. A way around your ISP's firewall.

In some earlier posts I learned you about proXPN , and I learned you about Hotspot Shield , (search for any of those two in the searchbox and you will find the original articles) but there is one even more convenient and faster then all the others in one place. It's name is Peer2me , it's a french corporation , but you can understand it in English too. All they need is you to make an account on their web page which is http://www.peer2me.com , and download the software. Easy. Have fun , and hope you liked this little helpful article.