
This page is not the same as the "About Me" page.

What is DreamOn about? Ever since I know myself , I loved to entertain people , in a way or another , then I found the internet. The easiest way to entertain millions of people ... even those I never met , with whatever they want. Now DreamOn's sole purpose is to entertain YOU , and your friends , perhaps your family , because let's face it , without fun , there is no life.

Here at DreamOn , I put a huge highlight on the word FREE , and thus whatever service I will decide to release to YOU , it will be free.

We are supported by the kindness of GOOGLE Adsense , and you can support me by clicking on the adds sometimes , but remember , you are not forced to do so , also all money gained is put in server costs/domain costs(Which I don't really have any of those yet , but when enough money gathered , I will surely buy one)