Aug 17, 2011

Free File Hosting , Multiple Links , Resume Supported

Want to host files up to 100MB? Want to use a download manager to do so? Well now its possible , all for free , and absolutely no adds. WOW how cool is that? Try out datafilehost today , it's free , fast , reliable. In fact I use it too sometimes.


Aug 3, 2011

11 things you should do with your Windows PC

A lot of us still uses Windows , however some users prefer MAC or Linux. For the rest of us that still uses windows , we all know how hard is to maintain a WINDOWS system everyday , but its a lovely job , and perhaps it is entertaining sometimes too.
Here is a few steps to keep your Windows platform performing well , and keep it clean and fast. I can't guarantee that these steps will make your PC speedy right away , but some of them will really help.

1. Prepare it for the "Internet".

First thing is to prepare everything neccesary to connect to the internet. This includes but not limited to Routers , wifi cards , pc cards , and or modems , and LAN cards.
You might also consider it to buy an antivirus , just in case somekind of Horse comes down the cable in your pc. The coolest part here is that you don't even know when that happens. You simply visit a website ... and later on you realize that your PC is infected.

2. Turn on ClearType and adjust Desktop settings.

Under windows XP , you can find the ClearType in the DisplayProprieties , and "Effects". I don't know under any other Windows versions , but I am sure its around there. Adjusting the Resolution is critical , some people like things "BIG" while the others like it "Small" and smooth. I like it between the middle. My pc is set to 1270x720 , and it's just fine. When I had my square monitor , I was using it at the optimal state of 1024x820 , and loved it.

3. Configure File System.

One of the things I always do , is to arrange how my folders look like , arange them in different positions , but if you don't like to do that manually , you can always rightclick inside the desired folder and press "Arrange Icons Automatically" which will always re-arrange your icons.
You can also hide "known file extensions" since you don't really need that , as well as "hide system files" , both  options can be found by going into a folder , and on top click Utilities , and Folder Options. Another cool option there is the show or hide "hidden files". Which sometimes help me find mallicious files that tend to hide themselves. Note here that the Show/Hide hidden files sometimes is broken , I've been through that , and turned out that a Trojan turned it off , so I can't see the mallicious files.

4. Set screen resolution , HZ and DPI.

Setting these are essential , especially if you are a programmer. Let's say you have bought the latest Adobe After Effects , and their minimal requirement is 1280x1024. So if your monitor doesn't support over 1024 , then I suggest you return it right away. Having a large resolution size can help you gain a lot of space on the desktop , which all programmers need , but it also "blinds" you , because everything becomes small , and at very high resolutions , things become unreadable. This is why Windows 7 and VISTA are equiped with lots of feeatures to make ICONS huge , as well as text below and under it , and other options regarding these settings.
Hz , is the screen refresh rate. It usually does not affect anything , but its good to have it as high as possible.

5. Activate Windows.

This is essential. Although this is not available on Windows XP , it is on VISTA and Windows 7 , as they offer you a 30 days trial with each Windows package , and you have 30 days to activate your copy. After activating , you have full access to all Windows features as well as future ones for your product , and you can be sure you will get all the updates and fixes you need.

6. Copy over internet shortcuts.

Many of us literary "live on the internet" , and have saved thousands of shortcuts in a browser. But the thing is , that there are many browser , and each and every company has something to offer , that the others not. I personally use Google Chrome , but there are plenty of users still using Firefox and Internet Explorer , therefore copying your shortcuts over when you get a new browser its a good idea. But not only shortcts , bookmarks as well.

7. Install ONLY needed applications.

I've seen many pc with a LOT of crap on it. The user found his hobby in downloading all kind of CRAP , and installing it , then forget it even exists. Therefore I recommend you to install ONLY the needed applications , the ones that you know you will use often. Such as

  • Office
  • VPN service
  • Browsers , such as Firefox
  • Antivirus
  • iTunes
  • RSS/Reader
  • Applications developer
  • ETc.
Of course there are always other applications out there such as games, which once you purchase , I am pretty  sure you will use it too.

8. Setup E-mail and Home Page.

These are essential if you are a business man. For example you like to visit your business page everytime you open your browser then it is indeed a good idea to setup a home page. Also an e-mail client such as FireBird , and OutLook express (this one is included with almost any windows copy) is good to have setup. Although I do not recommend any of these , if you use a family pc.
I use GOOGLE as home page ^.^

9. Install power toys.

One of the important applications on Microsoft page is the Microsoft PowerToys. It's a neat tool that allows you to tweak things that the normal user settings does not allow you to do , such as remove arrows from the shortcut , and other cool things.
However PowerToys is only available for Windows XP , as Windows 7 and Vista , has many of these tools already incorporated.

10. Save system and Registry Backup.

Always backup your system , and never turn off the "System Restore" feature. You can also get programs like CCleaner , that will help you backup and clean your registry , it has some other neat tools too , like uninstall persistent programs , toolbars , Activate or de-activate startup items , or even delete them, clear browser cache , and lots more. You can grab it for free from here

11. Uninstall Crapware

After a time , you will have a lot of software and games perhaps , that you will not use. You might also get a significant ammount of TOOLBARS after a while , so its a good thing to always keep an eye on what is installed on your PC. A Windows PC with lots of stuff installed on it , becomes slow.