Nov 16, 2010

The Suffering Fixed Link

 I don't care what you people think about THE SUFFERING , I mean the first release , but I think its an awesome horror game. A few years ago Surreal Software has developed the first The Suffering , however after a few major bug fixes they dropped its support. The game soon became "freeware" and now anyone can download it for free. I included a trailer for you to see how things work.

Story line : The player controls Torque, a man who has been sent to Abbott State Penitentiary on Carnate Island, Maryland. Torque has been convicted and sentenced to death for murdering his ex-wife and two children, although he claims to have blacked out at the time this happened and cannot remember anything. The night Torque arrives, there is a powerful earthquake, which releases an army of monsters upon the facility. Torque's cell door breaks and he is freed from captivity. Starting from his cell, Torque traverses the prison in an attempt to escape Carnate Island alive.

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