Mar 5, 2011

About Phone Antiviruses

You got this new shiny phone , you love it. It's based on android or Java , it works like charm , so you think that you would like to keep it clean , and if your pc has an antivirus , why not your phone? Well here's where you are WRONG! Java or Android phones , cannot have viruses. Usually the antivirus itself is a "virus" that once opened will simulate that your phone has something wrong , and the antivirus will clean it , then 99% of the cases a popup will ask you to buy the software for 100% cleaning and protection.Don't fall for this old trick in a book people. It's just a way to make money. Your phone can never be infected , and even if it could , I am pretty sure the service provider will fix your phone for a low price , rather then download untrusted antivirus applications for your phone. Also bare in mind that softwares that can access the internet , can bring other softwares , and its called backdoor. Why would someone put softwares on your phone? Well , once they have the right files on it , they might as well use your phone credits to call people , text them , or even send YOUR credits to themselves.

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