May 27, 2011

Fedora 15 , a distribution that is up to date!

Lately Fedora , and Ubuntu have been the only 2 distributions that were active , besides Backtrack , which is a copy of both with a lot of hacking tools , which I will not describe here , but if you really really want to see them you can go to , and see for yourself. So anyways , back to subject , Fedora 15 has been released , FINALLY! All of their main plugins , and applications such as Nautilus , gedit , and more have been updated for the new GNOME 3 to take advantage of the new GTK 3 toolkit! Although they removed the MINIMIZE , and MAXIMIZE button , there are other settings to do that , but GNOME never looked better.

Not to mention that the powerful FIREFOX 4 has been included , they fixed some network errors , and added tons of cool new features!

Here is a direct download link , since its free , however I recommend you to visit their web page :

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