May 10, 2011

Survey is the mainstream! (About Surveyed sites)

So , I went to this "" which claimed that they have free online movies to watch. I don't even have to download them , don't even have to pay , so it sounds AWESOME. So I chose my favorite movie , and instead of movie , I got something like this :

Survey Locked Movie Site
So , I said thought "let spy a bit". Right click was disabled on the site , so I knew they have something to hide , but what? I pressed CTRL + U on my keyboard (shortcut for site source in Firefox) , and scrolled down until the <div> that was embedding the actual video. The link disappointed me.
<p><object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="" width="550" height="340"><param name="movie" value="" /><param name="autostart" value="true" /><param name="wmode" value="transparent" /></object></p>
So if I would be stupid to fill up that form and pay a couple of dollars I would have end up with watching a trailer. So people , don't fall for such sites. Most of them are fakes. Just buy the DVD with that money you pay for that survey , and you know its yours , and you know that no one fooled you , especially not some kid over the internet that makes fun of you and strips your money off each time you fill up a survey like that.

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