May 25, 2011

The truth about WordPress

Wordpress is one awesome blogging platform , with literary thousands of themes you can choose from , thousands of cool plugins , each with its separate function , however there is one little problem with WordPress. Its really slow. I have took a little time to analyze the problem , deactivated a few "processor" hungry plug-ins and stuff , but it still was loading pretty slow. It's not that deadly though , everyone can support it , however I found other blogs much more faster then WordPress. For example , I have an account on , and one on , the Blogger platform loads up to 60% faster even filled with Google adds , while the Wordpress it took quite a while , on a plain empty blog (literary empty).

Blogger vs. Wordpress -> Which is better for me?

So if you are planning to blog , especially on free platforms , I suggest , and recommend you to choose blogger , its way faster , more stable , but less options and addons. It's your choice.

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