Jun 2, 2011

Can we trust Facebook?

Over the year we had a lot of spaces to share our photos , meet friends online , messengers after messengers , but none , was the size of Facebook. As you may know Facebook is the largest photo sharing company in the world , but the problem is not in the photos , it also stores personal data of BILLIONS of people. Although their Privacy Policy blabs something about not giving out our personal information , that still doesn't mean they can't do it. I mean the ones who had the power , to bring us to the edge of despair , and crisis , because their happiness was on top of everything , and even after that they got re-elected for the same job saying "oh we are sorry , it won't happen again" , can do whatever they want with our personal data too. No one says you gotta insert your REAL data in Facebook , but sadly , 99% does insert their real address , phone number , and hiding all those got introduced very late , as Facebook been accused of very poor "security" level.

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