May 21, 2011

How to stop adds on web pages or any other applications.

If you surf the web , you may see that some pages exaggerate about adds. They put it on the middle of the website , or wherever it is the most visible , and you can't even use the applications without a few thousand popups. Here is where the famous "addblock" add-on comes handy in firefox , but what about other applications? Simply open your host folder which is usually in c:\windows\system32\etc\hosts , and add the address that you want to block at the end of the line.

For example ... :

You can make sure their adds will never display anymore , in any application. Have fun experimenting , however bare in mind , that you are actually supporting webmasters by clicking on their adds , and if you are really a good person , then you will not block their adds , only if its really necessary.

Add Block Plus for Firefox 3.x to 4.x version , and Google Chrome.

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