Jun 24, 2011

Free easy remote desktop and conference

I really love this one. I used to help out my friends with this , when they need something done on their PC quick , and I don't want to download a 15 megabytes software , I always use this. Easy , fast , reliable , secure and many other cons that I could list here. 

Join.me was made by the leader in remote desktop industry called "LogMeIn" , and from their revolutionary software they made this tiny little software that is ideal for a quick conference , or much more , or just share your screen with your friends , for fun. ABSOLUTELY NO REGISTRATION , BOTH WINDOWS , MAC OS SUPPORTED! Probably Linux too , although I never tried.

Oh and what I also really love , their very short domain , and ways to share your desktop , your link will be shared something like https://join.me/564-896-5621 , just like a phone number. Cool isn't it?

  • Absolutely no registration
  • Absolutely free
  • Windows , Mac Os officially supported
  • Very small file to download for the one that shares , and no file at all for the viewers
  • Tiny url , links
  • Conference number
  • Chat
  • Secure
Visit them here: http://join.me

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