Jun 7, 2011

Lorem Pixum - Generate unlimited free dummy images.

If you are a web designer or web developer , you already know , that filling up web page with dummy text is easy. Just go to loremipsum.com. But what if you want some dummy images to? Here is where lorempixum.com comes handy. Generates unlimited images , comments , whatever , so you can use it on your raw template without any restriction. They say you can even hotlink their image to your template ... so basically you don't even have to save it.

It's so easy , you just choose the size of your dummy image , choose a theme , like abstract , food , people , technics , transport , fashion , city , sports , and color , or gray image. After that a little lightwindow will popup with your image , just right click , and copy its location or save image as...

Visit Lorem Pixum @ http://www.lorempixum.com

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