Jun 12, 2011

How to get lots of visitors on your blogger page.

This seems to be a good question to debate. But I'll explain it very short. In fact so short , you won't even believe it. Simply create POLLS! Yes! Polls! Now , I had this poll on the forum opening , and checked on my "traffic results" , and what do I see? 80% of visitors in the past few days came because of that poll. Why? No one knows. I know , some people would keep this a secret , but after all , I am here to share things to you , so I gonna share even my secrets.

This doesn't mean you should SPAM your blog with polls , it means sometimes a little poll , question about something interesting doesn't hurt. In fact it will bring you visitors. And here is the proof , if you don't believe me.

So that's my traffic report for today ... and as you can see 53 users came via a weird poll link in Google. Cool!

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