Jun 27, 2011

Top 5 web browsers.

I bet many of you are wondering, which web browser is the best?
Well in this article you will find out. I have read many reviews and have experienced these browsers for myself.
Here are the results:
1.mozilla-firefox: The browser speed and tab features and simple interface makes this web browser a real candidate.
Down side: Firefox doesn't offer thumbnail previews and mouse gesture comparability Download link.
2.Google Chrome: this web browser is built for security and speed, it seperates each tab into it's own process making it safer for you (the user)
Down side: Tabs that are on idle for long period of time tend to take a long time to refresh. Download link.
3.Internet Explorer 9: Internet explorer is one of the most known/ used web browser.
Down side: Being one of the most used browsers people take advantage of the security holes. Download link.
4.Opera: operas startup is amazingly fast.
Down side: It lacks parental control. Download link.
5.Safari: Safaris Mac-like interface is slick and really cool, navigation and startup speed are really good.
Down side: It has a few security flaws that need to be fixed. Download link.
Personally my favorite out of those 5 browsers is going to be Google Chrome, what else could a guy want? Browsing speed is amazing and the security is topnotch.

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